Thursday, June 7, 2012


"If all the year were playing holidays: To sport would be as tedious as to work."
William Shakespeare, King Henry IV

I always remind myself of this quote when I relish in this time of year.  What makes summer so wonderful is that it doesn't last.  So when I am sleeping in for the 5th day in a row and have yet to put make up on and think, "I could so get used to this" I remember that there will come a day in the not so distant future that I will long for earlier bedtimes and crisp new backpacks....but not today! Today I will cherish the fact that it is still officially the first week of summer and stay up way too late tonight!! Happy playing holiday everyone!

Epic Zoo Trip 2012

Leanne and I made our annual pilgrimage to Hogle Zoo yesterday and had a blast! I was so impressed with all of their new improvements.  The kids especially loved all of the underground viewing tanks.  Callie could have stayed at the seal tank all day.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

RIght before your eyes

Do you ever have those moments where you see your kids in "real time" and realize how big they are?? Or when they wake up in the morning and you could swear you can see a difference in how they have grown just since the night before?? I get glimpses of that a lot these days and the expression that they grow up right before your eyes seems so real. I get nostalgic all the time for baby faces and high-pitched voices, but try to remind myself of the joys of every stage. I am loving the summer and wish I could keep time still and remind myself often of the joys of being home, being around and sleeping in!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm a summer blogger

I have realized that I feel like a "summer" mom. I mean I know I am a mom during the school year but not as full-time as I am during the summer. It feels good because I appreciate little things like being here when they wake up, doing Callie's hair and making them breakfast. The novelty of being a stay at home mom is high during the first weeks of summer, so I thought I would pick blogging back up and not only be a "summer" mom but a "summer" blogger.